Monday, October 12, 2009

Rainy days and Mondays...

I love rainy days...rain makes everything clean again.  It also has a way of slowing everything down.  It also brings a refreshing change to sunny days!  I love rain!  Mondays are the same.  It comes without warning...It gives me a chance to start fresh.  Mondays begin the week like the morning begins the day!  I have a choice to live each moment for the moment or to live each moment for the opportunity that it will benefit me in this race that I am in! 

Yay!  The clouds are finally moving up the mountains...soon I will start to see the wonderfully beautiful waterfalls that all this rain has created!

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Jesus Rocks!

I cannot tell you how much my Lord Jesus Rocks!!!  He has given me ability far beyond my worldy body can do.  I love how when you say that you cannot, He says "yes you can!"  Lord forgive my unbelief....i believe but help me with my unbelief.  Give me more of you!