Back in September...September 9th to be exact, I started a weight loss challenge with 6 other women from my church. Well they started it and I crashed it. We call ourselves The Phatties! The conditions were to eat 3 sensible meals, exercise and no crash dieting to see who could lose the most weight.
I had a wonderful idea of doing the Beachbody workout Insanity with Shaun T. My first workout was the fit test...I thought I was going to have heart attack from how fast my heart was joke!!! And the sweat...oh girl was I sweating! The program is for 60 days, you workout 6 days a week and get 1 rest day. I loved the rest days!! My only regret is I didn't finish the workout, my life didn't allow me to finish the last week of the program. Not that it would have made a huge difference in my weight loss experience anyway, because I didn't lose any weight! It would have been nice to say I finished Insanity. Now, don't get me wrong, I'm glad I hung on as long as I did,however it would have made it a little more worthwhile if I saw better results. Maybe I should have done all the protein shakes and not eaten the 2nd piece of cake at any chance I got, or maybe I shouldn't have had the mentality that I worked out today so I can eat whatever I want! Yup...I see the error of my ways! Doing the Insanity workout wasn't all in vain. Even though I haven't seen a change on the scale, I have seen a change in the way my body looks and feels, i have more endurance! My clothes are a lot less tight fitting, I look skinny in my "skinny jeans" and I don't feel like I have to hide my belly as much! I definitely don't look like the girls on the DVDs with there 6 pack abs and super toned thighs but I'm getting there. I may never reach that kind of body but somehow it doesn't bother me!
I'm still taking my medication for hypertension, even though I'm exercising my doctor doesn't want me to stop taking it until I show a significant loss in weight or inches! I know I've set goals in the past to get down to a certain weight but my thinking was not right! My goal now, is to get healthy enough to be able to get off the medication!
I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Phillipians 4:13